
Reading Plus Limited was founded in 2007. Over the past few years, we have been playing a role in distributing English books to schools in Hong Kong. We have close relationships with many major publishers from the UK , the US and Singapore, providing the latest books with attractive prices. Through organizing numerous book fairs in primary and secondary schools, we gained first-hand knowledge on what most children want and need in terms of their interests and what benefit their English learning.

加點書教育服務有限公司成立於2007年。我們主要進口英國、美國及新加坡各大出版社的正版英文圖書, 在過去的十數年間,我們每年在各中小學舉辦多次的書展活動,通過這些緊密的活動,讓我們掌握學生們的需要,從而選擇合適的英語讀物幫助他們學習英語。