Dorling Kindersley

A Short History of Trains

型號: dkhistory003
存貨狀態: Out Of Stock
95 積分回贈
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99 積分回贈
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The history of the train and the railway is a story of ingenuity, social change, and bold vision. From the earliest steam engine to the high-speed bullet trains of today, A Short History of the Railway reveals the hidden stories of railway history across the world - the inspired engineering; the blood, sweat, and tears that went into the construction of the tracks; the ground-breaking innovations behind the trains that travelled along them; and the triumphs and tragedies of the people who made the railway what it is. Discover the history of the Trans-Siberian railway, the Orient Express, and Maglev trains. Explore the pioneering railway lines that crossed continents, the key trains of each era, and the locomotives that changed the world. A riveting narrative packed with photographs, diagrams, and maps to illustrate and illuminate, this is the biography of the machines that carried us into the modern era.

**圖書尺寸 (cm): 12.8x2.8x19.7


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